Tuesday, December 14, 2010

iCycle Period Logging and Prediction Free

Free iPhone app iCycle Period Logging and Prediction Free is released. Get it from App Store.

Friday, December 10, 2010

The URL for Apps and Artists in App Store


http://itunes.com/XuanChen (for computer and iphone)
itms://itunes.com/XuanChen (for iphone only, only one redirection)

More info:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How to Hide Status Bar or Change Its Style in iPhone App

By default, the status bar is displayed in iPhone App. If your root view frame origin is (0,0), it will be displayed just below the status bar.

If you want to hide the status bar, add one entry to the property list of your app:

Status bar is initially hidden

and make sure it is checked.

If you want to change the style of the status bar, add one entry to the property list:

Status bar style

Do not try to change status bar style or hide it in Interface Builder. That is only for visualizing other views or controls, not really changing the status bar.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Error: unrecognized selector sent to instance

The error means an object does not respond to a selector sent to it. Various reasons can cause this error. Today I found another one: assigning to instance variable in class method can corrupt an object and cause it not to respond to a selector which it should.

For example, you have a view controller vc. By all means you expect [vc.view addSubview:anotherView] should work but you got error:

(null): unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xblah

Then you found that this view controller has a class method which updates some instance variables. Since it worked before, you think it is OK to do that. However, after some other coding, the application was suddenly broken, and you got that error. You can still NSLog(@"%@",vc.view) and it seems to be fine, but when you check [vc.view respondsToSelector:@selector(addSubview:)] you get NO.

This is totally insane. Then you noticed the compiler output:

warning: instance variable 'adView' accessed in class method

Then you remember you did something dubious: modifying instance variable in class method. In C++ such code won't compile but in objective-c it is just a warning.

After fixing this, the error disappeared.

The lessons learned:
1. Do not access instance variables in class method. Even if it works today, it may break tomorrow.
2. Pay attention to warnings. They said bad C++ code is like bullets which can shoot your toe. I would say objective-c is even worse.